Rebuilding the Church on a New Foundation
231 pages. Published by Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2019. Available in paperback and hardcover.
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Sacred Journey: a Companion for Rudolf Schwarz's "The Church Incarnate"
This Companion reveals Rudolf Schwarz to be one of the greatest theologians of the twentieth century. Schwarz was a German architect and mystic. He created some beautiful churches in Germany in a stripped-down 1930s-Modern style, but he is most revered for a single book—in English translation The Church Incarnate. In it he explores the relationships between God and God’s people, relationships which are expressed when they meet together in worship.
Schwarz is revered for his spiritual insights but he has had very little real influence in the world because as an explorer it is sometimes hard to follow him on his mystical wanderings. This Companion accompanies him on his Sacred Journey, gently guiding him back on track when he wanders off-course, sharing his burdens, and all the while keeping him cheerful. This journey has had a surprising outcome: a discovery that, embedded in its union of heaven and earth, is a practical and logical structure for the renewal of the church; renewal of its worship, its space, and its ministry.
“To the question ‘Does Robinson’s work make Rudolf Schwarz’s “The Church Incarnate” more intelligible? I would answer with a resounding “Yes!”
B. DAVID KENNEDY, Protodeacon, St. Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church, Brampton, Ontario.
Schwarz is revered for his spiritual insights but he has had very little real influence in the world because as an explorer it is sometimes hard to follow him on his mystical wanderings. This Companion accompanies him on his Sacred Journey, gently guiding him back on track when he wanders off-course, sharing his burdens, and all the while keeping him cheerful. This journey has had a surprising outcome: a discovery that, embedded in its union of heaven and earth, is a practical and logical structure for the renewal of the church; renewal of its worship, its space, and its ministry.
“To the question ‘Does Robinson’s work make Rudolf Schwarz’s “The Church Incarnate” more intelligible? I would answer with a resounding “Yes!”
B. DAVID KENNEDY, Protodeacon, St. Elias Ukrainian Catholic Church, Brampton, Ontario.
Theology for Atheists
168 pp. Published by Nisbet House, Ottawa, 2016.
Reprinted by Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2019.
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Reprinted by Wipf and Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2019.
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This book is a joyful romp in the fields of the Lord. It opens up the possibility for atheists to join in the celebrations of a religious community; to share in their rituals and devotions without having to adopt their beliefs. Here they can join with other atheists who are already there... and the church needs them because it is the atheists who hold the future of the church and the survival of the planet in their hands. The text provides cogent answers to the three Cosmic FAQ's: Where do we come from? Why are we here? and Where are we going?
"It's the most fun serious work I have ever read"
ROBINETTA GAZE, Former Editor, Methuen Educational
"It's the most fun serious work I have ever read"
ROBINETTA GAZE, Former Editor, Methuen Educational
Princess Maent and the Boy on the Beach: a Story to Read and Ten Things You Can Make

Hello. My name is Princess Maent. I live in Castle Perigord. There’s no television in my castle, so my Royal Storyteller tells me stories. Here are some of the stories I was told. And there are no toy shops in Perigord so we have to make our own things to play with. Here are ten things that we made together. With some help you can have fun making them too. Check out @Princess.Maent on Instagram
“Gerald, I think you’ve got a winner here. A new category of children’s book that the rest of the family will love to read with their child/ grandchild, just so they can join in the fun!”
“Gerald, I think you’ve got a winner here. A new category of children’s book that the rest of the family will love to read with their child/ grandchild, just so they can join in the fun!”
Liturgical Architecture: Creating Space for Worship
Published in the peer-reviewed Toronto Journal of Theology vol 28/1, Spring 2012.
General Editor Abrahim H. Kahn
A publication of University of Toronto Press Inc. for the Toronto School of Theology
General Editor Abrahim H. Kahn
A publication of University of Toronto Press Inc. for the Toronto School of Theology
[ABSTRACT] Space is a positive entity, capable of expression. It is the materiel of architecture. Rudolf Schwarz proposed six forms of space (the Six Plans) that would support Christian worship. I identify these six aspects of worship as contemplation, pastoral care, witness, dedication, evangelism, and justice. I give a functional analysis of each plan and an example of how it has been realized in practice. These plans create sacred spaces, each of which can support all the ministries of the Church.
Experimenting with the Liturgy
Published in Liturgy Canada
Vol III No 2 Pentecost 1993
A publication of The Hoskin Group
David H. Smart, Editor
6 Hamilton Street, Stratford, ON N5A 7P4
Vol III No 2 Pentecost 1993
A publication of The Hoskin Group
David H. Smart, Editor
6 Hamilton Street, Stratford, ON N5A 7P4
[ABSTRACT] Numerous congregations have attempted to revitalise their worship by renewing their liturgies. These experiments were doomed to fail if they were not preceded by a revision of infrastructure - such items as dedicated lighting and appropriate sightlines so the people can see what is happening, a supportive acoustic environment and a good sound system to enable preaching and encourage congregational singing, and a seating plan to promote focus and foster community. Experience shows that these items (or a jury-rigged versions of them) need to be installed if the transition is going to be a success.
Sacred Geometry and the Church of the Holy Trinity

Published in "The Anglican",
the Journal of the Diocese of Toronto
January 1985. page 26
Margaret Parson, Editor.
the Journal of the Diocese of Toronto
January 1985. page 26
Margaret Parson, Editor.
[ABSTRACT] Following the angel's admonition in Revelation 11.1 I took a 100ft tape and measured the Church of the Holy Trinity in downtown Toronto. I started with the nave. Dividing the length by the breadth thereof yielded a ratio of 1.73. This is the exact proportion of the Vesica Pisces, an ancient Christian and pre-Christian symbol formed by the intersection of two equal circles the centre of each of which lies on the circum-ference of the other. To celebrate this a trace of the Vesica was painted on the ceiling.
Rudolf Schwarz

In preparation...
A German language commentary on Rudolf Schwarz's "Vom Bau der Kirche"
A German language commentary on Rudolf Schwarz's "Vom Bau der Kirche"
"It can truly be said that the concepts presented in this book were the catalyst in our Church Renovation plans, and we are grateful to God for this visionary in our midst."
R. MICHAEL McKINLEY, Rector: St Thomas’ Anglican Church, St. Catharines, Ontario